free weight advantages:
- they incorporate the stabilizing muscles that enable you to perform the movements you choose to make and may be more effective in producing overall muscle strength
- the exercises tend to more closely match the movement patterns you are likely to need for specific sports
- free weights are more versatile; you can do a wider variety of exercises with a simple set of dumbbells
- they are inexpensive and portable and take up little space
- you must learn to balance the weight while exerting force which can be difficult and dangerous to do especially if you are lifting them over your head
- the isolation of specific muscles can be difficult to achieve and requires a precise technique
- training alone can lead to injury if you are not careful
- they are generally safer and easier to use especially for beginners
- some machines are more efficient than free weights in isolating a specific muscle group
- machines ensure correct movements for a lift which helps prevent cheating when you get tired
- these workouts may take less time because you can move from machine to machine easily
- most machines involve moving a weight along a predetermined path, making it difficult to strengthen the core muscles
- machines are more limited, most only allow one exercise
- most machines target an average sized person, so if you are taller or shorter than average you may find problems adjusting the machine
Learning how to use dumbbells effectively and safely is invaluable. The day may come when you decide you would rather work out at home. Dumbbells are ideal for the home gym for reasons mentioned above: they require minimal storage space and are versatile and affordable. Weight training is a vital component in a fitness routine. Learning ways to be able to do it no matter where you choose to work out is essential.