Hello everyone! My name is Nancy and this is my personal blog. My philosophy is that if you are going to live well, you have to be thoughtful and purposeful about it. I write on healthy living, exercise, and the mind/body connection. I also occasionally write about new and interesting discoveries or resources. My goal is to help you reach your potential while reaching mine!
If you are new to my site, you might want to start with my most popular posts. Here are the top 5 in the last month.
Hi everyone! In case I've never mentioned this before I
was born and raised in Houston, Texas. I lived there my entire life until 6
months a...
Hi everyone! You know ever since I became more proactive
in looking better and being healthy I have also started investigating ways to
look ...
After moving to this small country town I was sidelined
by foot surgery and 2 months of healing and therapy, my son's wedding, and my
Today, I think I got the best cardio workout at the gym
ever! I am exhausted, but I feel exhilarated! If you have never taken a zumba
I don't know about you, but as I get older I find I need
to put my reading glasses on more often than not. I have finally gotten smart
I am a woman approaching my mid-50's who is passionate about life and on a mission to redefine myself. I am like so many people out there who have finished rearing the kids, and who are just trying to stay focused on what truly makes them happy in this hectic day to day world. After my last two children left for college I moved from the big city to a small cottage in a beautiful country town in Texas. I started this blog in order to focus on healthy eating and exercise to achieve my goal of getting fit, something I feel I totally ignored practically my whole life. I know there are so many people like myself, especially women, who are trying to rediscover themselves by trying new things and who are just now learning to love themselves more. I know that together we will get where we need to be!
I welcome comments and all feedback and look forward to connecting with like minded folks who value health and nutrition!
I typically post three to four times a week. To make sure you don’t miss my newest posts, you can subscribe via RSS or email. I highly encourage you to do this so you can stay connected!
This is my personal blog. The opinions I express here are exactly that, just my opinion. Please do not use my information to diagnose your own health and medical issues. I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this blog and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its use.
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