Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Dangers of Undiagnosed High Blood Pressure

When I went to the doctor recently for my yearly physical I was very happy to hear that I am in excellent health. One of the best results I was given was my blood pressure reading which was in the normal range at 105/70. A new government report indicates that even though many people in the U.S. who suffer from hypertension are receiving medical attention, more than half actually don't have it under control.  The Center for Disease Control report indicates that over 67 million adults in the United States have high blood pressure. However, approximately 36 million don't have their condition under control. In addition, over 22 million adults who don't have their hypertension under control are fully aware they have the condition, and 16 million are on medications to control it, yet their condition is still not under control. The numbers are daunting, but they can be improved. High blood pressure is dangerous because it can lead to heart disease and other organ failure. There are monitors you can purchase at your local drug store that are highly accurate. These will help you keep track of your readings and will help you report results to your doctor for future visits.

Risk factors of high bp include:
  • Being physically inactive
  • Being overweight
  • High salt intake
  • Smoking
  • Family history
  • Age/Race
  • Insufficient vitamin D and potassium
  • High alcohol intake
  • Insomnia
Blood pressure is recorded in 2 numbers written in the form of a ratio. The following information is provided by the American Heart Association and can be used as a guide for you to go by:

The top number, which is also the higher of the two numbers, measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats (when the heart muscle contracts).
The bottom number, which is also the lower of the two numbers, measures the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats (when the heart muscle is resting between beats and refilling with blood).

Blood Pressure
mm Hg (upper #)
mm Hg (lower #)
Normalless than 120andless than 80
High Blood Pressure
(Hypertension) Stage 1
High Blood Pressure
(Hypertension) Stage 2
160 or higheror100 or higher
Hypertensive Crisis
(Emergency care needed)
Higher than 180orHigher than 110
* Your doctor should evaluate unusually low blood pressure readings.

It's important that you take charge of your health. There are many foods, especially fruits and vegetables that are high in the vitamins and minerals essential to keeping your blood pressure down. Educate yourself and see the doctor if necessary, but do what you must to improve your health.
Stay happy and healthy everyone!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Avoid Getting West Nile Virus

On a recent evening I was sitting on my beautiful, newly built deck with my sister and best friend gingerly passing the time laughing and having our usual girl talk. We were not outside more than 10 minutes before the mosquitoes starting hovering around. I am not usually prone to getting bitten, but I cannot say the same for my sister. Her body is like a magnet when it comes to those nasty, little creatures. Lately there has been much talk in the news about the dangers of West Nile and how it can be passed on to you by just one mosquito bite. I hear this and and want to use it as an excuse to skip my evening power walks, but I know I shouldn't let it stop me. I do inform myself though on what to do to avoid becoming a victim. It's important to remember to protect ourselves especially when we are outdoors and especially in the evening when it seems they are most rampant. As of today according to the national news there have been 41 deaths. More than half of them are accounted for here in Texas. According to the Center for Disease Control  we should abide by the 4 D's which are:
  • DEET and other insect repellents should be used.
  • DRESS in long sleeves and long pants.
  • DUSK & DAWN is when most mosquitoes are out so dress accordingly and take precautions.
  • DRAIN standing water.
It's important to keep our guard up, but it's also important to keep things in perspective. Most mosquitoes do not carry West Nile. According to the CDC 80% of people who get bitten don't get sick, 20% suffer only mild symptoms and only 1 person out 150 suffer severe illness. With that being said folks I am not going to let it stop me from enjoying my usual evening activities, but you can bet I will be looking for my can of mosquito repellent! Have a happy and healthy day everyone!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Symptoms and Prevention of Heart Attacks

Hello everyone! Forgive me for not checking in with you in a while. I have been involved in a new "old home" project that has finally been completed. When the news hit the airwaves this morning that comedian Rosie O'Donnell recently suffered a major heart attack it got me to thinking about how important it is at our age to be totally aware of the signs and symptoms that we should be on the lookout for. I don't know about you but there have been many times that I have overworked myself to the point of exhaustion and have secretly wondered if I might be pushing myself too hard and in doing so risking a health crisis.  Rosie stated that when she started feeling ill she immediately took an aspirin because she heard in a commercial that it was a good idea to do so at the onset of symptoms. While this is good advice, we need to remember that it is important to listen to our bodies all the time. Waiting until we feel chest pains might be a little too late to take action. Very often, as women we do not want to be perceived as being hysterical , so we  minimize seeking medical attention when we start feeling ill. When women finally do seek medical attention, often times the doctor will dismiss the patient by attributing the symptoms to anxiety, stress or indigestion.
Warning signs women should never ignore:
If you are experiencing any of the following listed symptoms it is important for you to seek emergency care immediately. Also, go ahead and take an aspirin to help keep a blood clot from getting bigger.
When a heart attack strikes, getting medical help within the first hour reduces the risk of dying by 50 percent. If you have any of these warning signs, call 911.
    • Shortness of breath. During a heart attack, or in some cases, days or even weeks preceding the attack, many women report gasping as if they’d just run a marathon or having trouble talking, one study reported.
    • Non-chest pain. Instead of an explosive pain in the chest, women may develop less severe pain in the upper back, shoulders, neck, jaw, or arm. Get immediate medical help if you have any unusual symptom above the waist, even if it’s not in your chest.
    • Unusual fatigue. In one study of female heart attack survivors, 71 percent experienced unusual fatigue in the days and weeks before the attack—often so extreme that the women were too fatigued to make their bed, lift a laptop, or walk to the mailbox.
    • Heavy sweating. Women may be suddenly drenched with sweat for no apparent reason. Frequently, women feel both hot and chilled, with clammy skin, during a heart attack, as happened to O’Donnell.
    • Nausea or dizziness. During an attack, women frequently vomit or feel like they’re going to faint. The nausea can also feel like heartburn.
    • Anxiety. Many women experience a feeling of impending doom or intense fear before or during a heart attack. Heeding that inner warning can be lifesaving.
Tips to prevent a heart attack include the following:
  • Don't smoke!
  • Keep your weight in check. If you are overweight, losing as little as 10-20 pounds can help lower your risk for heart disease.
  • Exercise regularly. In addition to helping control your weight, exercise can help lower your blood pressure, relieve stress and tone the heart and blood vessels.
  • Learn how to manage your stress and anxiety levels.
  • Follow a heart-healthy diet. Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid salty foods and foods high in cholesterol and fat.
  • Have a yearly physical to get your numbers checked, especially your cholesterol and blood pressure readings.
Remember everyone, healthy living over 50 is in our best interest. Life is just beginning for us!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Accidents Happen in a Blink of an Eye!

Hello everyone! It has been a couple of weeks since I have posted and I felt I needed to explain. Last weekend my sister and I decided to visit our other sister out of town for a girl's weekend. No sooner had we gotten there than the sister that went with me suffered a bad fall and shattered her wrist! It is shocking to me how in a blink of an eye your health can change drastically.  We rushed her to the emergency room of one hospital only to be told it would be over seven hours before she would be attended. We immediately ran her over to another hospital and thank goodness they were able to take her in right away. She ended up needing surgery to set the bones. After the doctor inserted a plate and 11 pins into her arm and after she spent an entire week there she was able to come home. This is why at our age we must be super careful no matter what activity we are engaged in. My sister was doing nothing but walking and just happened to trip on an uneven surface which is proof positive it doesn't take much for an accident to happen. I thought I would share this incident with you because things could change on a dime and it's up to all of us to do our best to avoid anything that might cause us harm. Have a wonderful and healthy week everyone!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fantastic Antioxidant Filled Dinner

Hello everyone! Hope you all are having a wonderful Tuesday. I wanted to share with you a photo of a super nutritious dinner I made last night. I chopped 1/2 sweet potato, added 1 small zucchini, sliced green bell pepper and long slices of fresh jalapeno pepper (remove seeds) and grilled all of it on top of the stove with olive oil for about 15 minutes. Then I sliced a small tomato and topped it with chopped basil leaves and low fat feta cheese. Super fast and super filling!

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Benefits of Walking

Happy Monday everyone!
When I started this blog I decided I was going to get more focused than ever on exercise and healthy living. I decided that a step towards accomplishing this was that I would start walking routinely either on the treadmill at the gym or outdoors before the sun gets too hot. Regardless, walking is fun, easy and requires no money to do which is why it is a great way to get exercise and get fit. First of all walking is easy to do as long as you do not have health obstacles such as arthritis. There is no great trick to doing it. It does not require that you learn any special skills or advanced conditioning. You do not need any special equipment or clothing. All you really need is a pair of good walking shoes and comfortable clothes.

Walking is the ultimate healthy exercise because it:
  • burns almost as many calories as jogging
  • eases back pains
  • slims your waist
  • lowers blood pressure
  • reduces levels of bad cholesterol
  • reduces heart attack risks and enhances stamina and energy
  • lessens anxiety and tension
  • improves muscle tone
  • it's easy on your heart and joints than running
  • reduces appetite
  • increases aerobic lung capacity
  • can be done in short bouts
  • slows down osteoporosis and bone loss
  • can be done while you are traveling away from home
  • you are less likely to be injured walking instead of running 
It is important for you to be evaluated by a doctor before you begin any exercise program and that you get a complete physical. Also, please remember to stay hydrated. It is important for you to drink plenty of water while you walk and even before and after. Eating well is also just as important. You must eat nourishing food so avoid junk food which is high in fat and cholesterol.  Remember to walk on a smooth surface so that you avoid injuries. I love walking all over my small community but I try to stick to the sidewalks to avoid traffic. You might do well by setting a goal for yourself and to walk at the same time every day, but it is not necessary if your schedule does not allow it. I notice that if I have a routine I tend to stick with it more. Do your best to find time for walking, you will be so glad you did!
Have a happy, healthy week everyone!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Delicious and Nutritious Veggie/Fruit Dinner-Yum!

I had this for dinner two nights in a row because I loved it so much! All I did was drizzle olive oil on slices of red bell pepper, zucchini and collard greens and stuck them in an 350 degree oven for about 10 minutes.  Then I added slices of fresh avocado and strawberries and sprinkled it all with black pepper and low fat feta cheese. I urge you to try it. You really do not have to have meat at every meal. This is super healthy and delicious!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Link Between Eye Health and Diet

I don't know about you, but as I get older I find I need to put my reading glasses on more often than not. I have finally gotten smart about it and have bought several at the local discount store just to keep a pair in every room readily available to me. Having good eyesight is something I have always boasted about.I usually have been told that I have 20/20 vision which is pretty good. Even now, I really only need glasses when reading up close. Eyesight is such an important topic as we age. My own sweet mother lost her vision completely by the time she was 80 years old due to glaucoma. This indirectly lead to her death a few years later when, unable to see clearly, she fell and broke a hip. Her mother lost her vision while in her 60's! But back in those days with money being scarce folks didn't visit the doctor often and health was a very low priority to them. This was very unfortunate and probably a lot of her vision loss could have been prevented. This is why at my age now I routinely have my vision checked especially for that dreaded disease of glaucoma. My understanding is that it is a highly hereditary illness but one that can be kept very much in check with modern medicine. My oldest sister who is in her early 60's has already had cataract surgery. This is scary and makes me hyper-vigilant when it comes to my eyesight. Eye disease is one of the most common reasons people become permanently disabled in the United States. My husband's cousin, who is in his mid 50's, recently became totally disabled due to losing his vision because of untreated diabetes. Millions of people over the age of 40 have cataracts and millions of folks over 60 years of age have macular degeneration. These eye diseases occur as we age and proper nutrition has a lot to do with both of them.
Cataracts develop on the lens of the eye when proteins we all have in the lens are damaged. These proteins help to keep our lens clear, but when they are damaged the lens becomes cloudy and opaque, causing blurry vision. Cataracts also cause poor night vision and may cause you to have double vision. Surgery is usually necessary to remove them and replace the damaged lens with an artificial one. Macular degeneration happens when the cells in the macula of the eye die. The macula is located in the center of the retina in the back of the eye and is responsible for keeping your vision sharp for reading and such. The problem is once the macula is damaged your vision is no longer clear and you are unable to make out the fine details in objects. There is no cure for this disease, but proper nutrition may help to prevent it from getting worse.

The nutrients that benefit eye health are vitamins C and E, carotenoids, beta carotene, lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamins B6, B9 (folic acid) and B12.
Here's a list of foods containing eye-healthy nutrients:
  • Fruits and vegetables (good sources of vitamins C and E)
  • Dark green vegetables such as kale and spinach (lutein, vitamin E)
  • Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables (beta carotene and zeaxanthin)
  • Anchovies, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, trout, tuna, and white fish (omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Beef, eggs, lamb, milk, peanuts, pork, and whole grains (zinc)
  • Bananas, chicken, dried beans, fish, liver, pork, and potatoes (vitamin B6)
  • Citrus fruits, fortified cereals, dried beans, green leafy vegetables, liver, mushrooms, nuts, and peas (folic acid)
  • Dairy products, eggs, meat, poultry, and shellfish (vitamin B12)
In researching this I found that a diet high in refined carbs, such as white rice, white bread, and pasta, may actually increase your risk of developing macular degeneration. These foods have a high glycemic index, which means they are broken down rapidly into blood glucose or sugar, so it is best for you to choose breads and pasta made from whole grains and brown rice for your complex carbohydrates.
Let's all take care of our vision! Life is too beautiful to miss even one minute of it. Have a happy, healthy day everyone!

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Hazards of Smoking

When I was young I used to watch both of my parents smoke. They would sit on the porch at the end of a long day and puff away. Our home smelled of cigarettes and no one thought anything of it. I grew up in the '60's and back then it was probably considered really cool to smoke. I can even recall being in junior high and having an area by the lunchroom designated for teen smokers.  It's almost like the school district was encouraging kids to smoke. Very strange now, but back then it was considered the norm. Of course only the cool boys would stand out there smoking and no respectable girls ever approached that area. Later in the '70's when I joined the workforce I would sit in an office where everyone smoked at their desk. Hard to imagine this now, but back then if you were a smoker you were allowed to sit and puff while you worked. It did not matter if you as a non-smoker were bothered by it. No one had rights back then to complain. I would have to just sit and accept it and go home reeking of smoke. Now when I see someone smoking publicly it almost looks unusual. The habit has come under great fire in recent years to the point that you hardly see anyone smoking out in public any longer. This is a good thing, because the health hazards are very numerous. Here is information I found posted on the Centers for Disease Control website that is very beneficial for all of us to know so I thought it would be a good idea to share with you:


Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. Smoking causes many diseases and reduces the health of smokers in general.

Smoking and Death

Smoking causes death.
  • The adverse health effects from cigarette smoking account for an estimated 443,000 deaths, or nearly one of every five deaths, each year in the United States.
  • More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined.
  • Smoking causes an estimated 90% of all lung cancer deaths in men and 80% of all lung cancer deaths in women.
  • An estimated 90% of all deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease are caused by smoking.

Smoking and Increased Health Risks

Compared with nonsmokers, smoking is estimated to increase the risk of—
  • coronary heart disease by 2 to 4 times,
  • stroke by 2 to 4 times,
  • men developing lung cancer by 23 times,
  • women developing lung cancer by 13 times, and
  • dying from chronic obstructive lung diseases (such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema) by 12 to 13 times.

Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease

  • Smoking causes coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.
  • Cigarette smoking causes reduced circulation by narrowing the blood vessels (arteries) and puts smokers at risk of developing peripheral vascular disease (i.e., obstruction of the large arteries in the arms and legs that can cause a range of problems from pain to tissue loss or gangrene).
  • Smoking causes abdominal aortic aneurysm (i.e., a swelling or weakening of the main artery of the body—the aorta—where it runs through the abdomen).

Smoking and Respiratory Disease

  • Smoking causes lung cancer.
  • Smoking causes lung diseases (e.g., emphysema, bronchitis, chronic airway obstruction) by damaging the airways and alveoli (i.e., small air sacs) of the lungs.

Smoking and Cancer

Smoking causes the following cancers:
  • Acute myeloid leukemia
  • Bladder cancer
  • Cancer of the cervix
  • Cancer of the esophagus
  • Kidney cancer
  • Cancer of the larynx (voice box)
  • Lung cancer
  • Cancer of the oral cavity (mouth)
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Cancer of the pharynx (throat)
  • Stomach cancer

Smoking and Other Health Effects

Smoking has many adverse reproductive and early childhood effects, including increased risk for—
  • infertility,
  • preterm delivery,
  • stillbirth,
  • low birth weight, and
  • sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Smoking is associated with the following adverse health effects:
  • Postmenopausal women who smoke have lower bone density than women who never smoked.
  • Women who smoke have an increased risk for hip fracture than women who never smoked.
Obviously, the bottom line is if you have never smoked don't start! If you are a smoker, do all within your power to stop immediately. I realize this is easier said than done, but at our age you cannot afford the health risks involved. There are many resources to assist you in stopping this ugly habit. I encourage you to seek help. Besides all the health hazards smoking also affects our looks too. It affects the elasticity of the skin causing unnecessary wrinkles and we sure do not need any extra wrinkles on our face. Let's all stay healthy, we have a great life, so let's make the most of it! Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Importance of a Cardio / Aerobic Workout

With all the recent gardening I have been doing I have been getting an excellent cardio workout even though I have not hit the gym in a week. This is so important because our hearts are just like any other muscle, you have to push yourself in order to stay heart-healthy! With this in mind, I wanted to share another tidbit of information that Stephanie, my trainer at the gym, shared with me!

What occurs during an aerobic workout?
  • Your breath deepens and becomes quicker, increasing the amount of oxygen in your blood.
  • Your heart beats faster increasing blood flow to your muscles and lungs.
  • Your capillaries open, delivering more oxygen to your muscles and taking away more waste products.
  • Endorphins, your natural pain killers, are released giving you an increased sense of well-being.
Cardio on a regular basis - your body adapts!
  • Your heart becomes stronger and more efficient.
  • Your heart rate decreases ( a stronger heart is able to pump more blood with each beat).
  • Your muscles become more efficient at consuming oxygen.
  • Your mitochondria (the fuel your body uses to move) increase in number. They use oxygen to burn fat and carbs.
Working a regular cardio/aerobic workout 20-60 minutes per session, 3-5 days a week leaves you with a strong, fit heart and body! (If you are not in condition, split it up into 10 minute segments, increase the duration by 5 minutes until you reach your desired goal)

The Result:
  • your clothes fit better
  • you have more energy and endurance
  • you have a better outlook on life
  • your chance of heart disease, cancer and several other diseases and conditions decreases
Stay strong and healthy over 50! Happy Friday everyone!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Find Your Personal Happiness to Stay Healthy

Hi everyone..
It is so important that we all find whatever it is in our personal lives that brings us happiness. Research indicates that happiness is truly the key to a healthy life. With this in mind please do whatever it takes to figure out what makes you happy and pursue it. Whether it is going to a job that is totally fulfilling, spending time with your beautiful children or grandchildren, playing in your garden, going on a hot date with a new "friend" or just hanging out doing a bunch of nothing...whatever it is find it and do it and do it often! Happiness is so important to our well being, not only to our mental health but to our physical health as well! We all have heard how our mental health directly impacts our physical health especially when it comes to stress and how it affects our body. I have to say that for me personally a day never goes by that I don't reflect on the happiness I feel inside when I commune with nature. I absolutely love and adore working in the yard and making things beautiful. I love the feel of the grass on my bare feet, I love the feel of the dirt when I am digging, I love the sound of the sweet birds singing overhead, but most of all I love the way my body feels healthy from all the exercise I get. Nature, for me is the ultimate when it comes to bringing me happiness.

Feeling fulfilled in life is so important to our mental well being. I can recall many times in my past where I felt very unfulfilled. I was working long hours at a job that did not satisfy me and where I felt that my talents were going unrecognized. I would literally count down the years, months and finally the days to when I would be able to retire and get out of what I considered a dead end job. Thank my lucky stars I was able to hang on and finally leave to find what really made me happy. I am in a great place now and I hope you are as well. If you are not there yet, do not fret, instead just focus and keep your goal in mind. Eventually you will be in your own personal happy place which is where you were meant to be all along!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone and remember! Healthy Living Over 50 is so important for all of us! By the way here are a couple of photos of my personal happy place. Enjoy the pics!

My garage apartment

I love antiques! I found this old mailbox for $1 at a garage sale and turned it into a planter to hang by the garage apt door

Red geraniums are my favorite! Sitting atop 2 antique farm wheels

Our little cottage in the country

I found this old tub at a sidewalk sale in Smithville, Tx filled it with pink geraniums. So pretty!

Laid this cobblestone sidewalk and still have much to plant to fill the sides!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Brain Games are Healthy!

Hope all of you had a wonderful Monday! As for me I did two of my favorite things today. I spent about 4 hours in the garden planting ferns in my flower beds. I burned tons of calories with all the digging and lifting I did all day. I got a great deal on some beautiful ferns at the local grocery store of all places! I had to beat the rain today so I spent all morning getting them into all the empty spots throughout my garden. Later this evening I got to do one of my other favorite things which is to work the daily crossword puzzle! Believe it or not, I love a challenging puzzle. I recently started printing the L.A. Times crossword which is fun. Studies have proven that for folks our age it is highly important that we not only exercise our body but that we exercise our brain as well! Working crosswords is an excellent way of getting that exercise. If crosswords are not your thing there are any number of brain games out there such as Sudoku or word search. If you just go to Google and type in "brain games" you will find an extensive amount of online games that can be a great benefit to your mind, including puzzles, card games, concentration games or optical illusion games. If you are not able to access a computer, go to your daily newspaper and play all the games and puzzles they offer. Save  your answers and check them the next day to see how many you got correct. You will find that you will look forward to this bit of fun every day. It's very enjoyable and you will gain great benefits by doing it. Remember! It's important to stay healthy over 50 not just in body but in mind too!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Over 50 Is the Happiest Age To Be!

Recently there was an article all over the web and the morning talk shows that stated that age 33 was voted the "best" year of life. That is the age that researchers found most people to be the happiest. When I think back to age 33 all I can recall is the harried person I used to be, the one trying to juggle all of the duties required of me. I was a full time employee in a management position for a large corporation that did not care much about the health of its' employees. I was also the mother of two rambunctious, precious boys (our twins would follow 2 years later) who also were very busy at school. During this time my husband also spent many months away from the family on assignment which meant I had the entire burden of running the household squarely on my shoulders. So for me 33 was not the ideal time of my life. When I reflect on this I come to the realization that now is the best time of my life! I truly feel very blessed to be at the stage of life I'm in now. At almost 55 years of age I have been through quite a bit and this is really the best time of my life! All of our children have turned out wonderfully. They all are very well established in their jobs or college life. Every one of us is healthy and happy. My husband and I no longer have to rush home to anything in particular. After 35 years of marriage we still enjoy each other's company and look forward to growing old together. I live in a small town where the mad rush of the city no longer intrudes in my daily routine. I work out of my house and play in the garden all I want. I have friends and family who keep in touch daily. I feel excited when I bound out of bed each day just to get started and to see what the day will bring. Life at this age is truly the most amazing it can be. Life can be very rewarding at any age, but ultimately the happiness you feel is determined by your attitude. You can choose to stay in bed and dwell on all the negatives that occur at this age. You might suffer from aches and pains you didn't used to have. You might feel depression or feel indifference about things you used to care about. That is why it is important for us to focus on all the wonderful, positive things that happen after 50! There is so much to be grateful for. Dwell on the here and now and not in the past and make the most of the age you are today! Hope all of you have a great Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend....I know I will!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Definition of Fitness

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Wednesday today! I wanted to share with you something that my trainer at the gym shared with me recently. She said that there are FIVE components of fitness so I thought I would give you the exact information she shared with me. The five components are as follows:

Cardiovascular/Cardio Respiratory Endurance (Aerobics)
  • The capacity of the heart-lung systems to deliver an adequate oxygen supply for sustained energy production.
  • Example: walking, elliptical trainer, bike or treadmill. Cross training works well, it confuses the body and keeps things more interesting. **if biking or walking, make sure your heart rate is in the appropriate training zone! Talk to your trainer to find out what your zone should be!
Muscular Strength
  • The amount of force that a muscle can produce in a single maximum effort
  • Example: performing one dumbbell shoulder press using the heaviest weight you can possibly lift
Muscular Endurance
  • The amount of force that a muscle can produce repeatedly against resistance
  • Example: performing a set of 12 reps of a dumbbell shoulder press
  • The range of motion possible about a joint
Body Composition
  • The ratio of body fat to lean mass in an individual
  • Example: the amount of fat compared to bones, muscle and organs, etc.
Remember! It's the trainer's job to encourage, teach and implement these components of fitness into a safe and effective fitness plan designed for you personally!

Let's all stay healthy! Remember, we are at an age (over 50 or pretty close to it) where maintenance of our health is vitally important! Take care of yourself and remember that if you do not set foot in a gym on a regular basis do something --- anything! Just move, keep your body active ---not sedentary! Like the saying goes, if you don't use it you lose it! Healthy Living Over 50 is very do-able!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Virtue of Being Disciplined!

Hello everyone!
Hope you all are having a great week so far! I was thinking recently, is it just me or do most people lack discipline too? There are so many things I start with great intentions and fail to follow through on. Everything from my health to my budget! For example, I bought the CoQ-10 that Dr. Oz said was great for my heart, but it's still sitting on my kitchen counter unopened! Do I dare risk having a heart attack? I guess I do because I have not gotten motivated to start taking it.  I bought my gym membership and have let other things get in the way of me going religiously like I swore I would. I started out pretty good, but the last two weeks have hardly found me on the treadmill where I belong. Instead, I've been out in the yard raking and mulching and do I have my sunscreen on like I know I'm supposed to? Of course not! I promise myself everyday to be extra careful with my skin because at my age I cannot afford sun damage, but when I ran out of my daily moisturizer (the one that comes with the high SPF rating) I kept meaning to run to the store to buy more but never got around to it. Then I decided to get my financial house in order by signing up on one of those websites that keeps track of all your spending. I started out pretty good getting all my account numbers together but as usual, I have not bothered to input all the necessary data they need in order to get started. It's a pain! Lack of discipline is probably a pretty common occurrence among us baby boomers. Life is just too jam-packed with other fun events that need our attention or just everyday life events that happen to all of us. But they all really do sidetrack us. That is why it is important to practice discipline only on the things that really matter most and not worry about the mundane things that can wait. As for me, I plan on opening my CoQ-10 tomorrow, what about you? Stay happy everyone!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Your Smile Can Affect Your Appearance and Confidence!

Hi everyone!
Recently I went to the dentist for my yearly dental exam and cleaning. Much to my surprise I found out that I had two small cavities in my back molars! Now how could that be? I am such a fanatic about my teeth. Always making sure I brush diligently and that I floss daily. I thought I was pretty meticulous about by dental hygiene, yet I was told I had two small "places of concern" as the dentist described it. I quickly made an appointment to come back a week later to get them filled. I never had any pain in those two teeth, therefore I never had any inkling there was anything wrong. I have read that there are over 500 strains of bacteria in our mouth. It's no wonder then that we are susceptible to decay. Most of the bacteria is friendly and helps us to digest our food and ward off attack by the less friendly, disease-causing kind.  Bacteria like to prey on sugars and starches. They like to cling to our teeth and produce acids that eat through the enamel, eventually creating a cavity.

As "older" people many different factors put us at risk of developing gum disease, cavities and other dental problems.  Our fillings are usually old, we may be wearing ill-fitting dentures, we may be taking medications that reduce saliva flow which is the body's natural way to cleanse the mouth. Some chronic diseases are common in older folks such as diabetes which can increase our risk for periodontal disease. Arthritis is also common among older people which may prevent someone from having the flexibility needed to brush and floss correctly. Alzheimer's disease or dementia might  hinder someone from remembering about oral hygiene.  There are warning signs of gum disease. If you notice any you may consider visiting a dentist soon. Some of these warning signs include:
  • gums that bleed when you brush
  • red, swollen or tender gums
  • gums that have pulled away from the teeth
  • bad breath that doesn't go away
  • pus between your teeth and gums
  • loose teeth
  • a change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • a change in the fit of your dentures
Visiting your dentist at least twice a year is a good idea and may be critical to catching disease early. In addition to cleaning your teeth and checking for cavities, the dentist is often the first to detect any other issues you may have such as oral cancer, which occurs mainly in adults over 45 years of age.  How often you should see the dentist depends on different factors such as your health, medications, and the overall condition of your gums and teeth. Some folks might need to go every 3 months, some only once a year.  Another tip---replace your toothbrush often. You do not want to continue to use the same one for more than about 3-4 months because the bristles may no longer be effective in doing a good  job.
Stay healthy everyone and we can enjoy a life long past 50!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gardening is Fantastic Exercise!

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a great Tuesday. I started mine by deciding I was going to spruce up my flower beds. Spring is a beautiful time of year and it usually brings out the urge in me to connect with mother nature. I absolutely love making my yard look nice. Last week I had all the weeds pulled and then completely mulched all the beds. So this week it was time to re-pot, remove and rearrange! It wasn't long before I was completely exhausted from all the lifting and bending I was doing. I must have planted over 10 new items which meant quite a lot of digging in the dirt with a shovel. Gardening is an excellent way to not only get exercise, but to also de-stress. It is a wonderful and natural mood enhancer. I absolutely forget every care in the world when I am focusing on the beauty of the outdoors.

A large number of studies have found improved mental and physical health benefits of gardening that extend far beyond the obvious rewards of exercise and fresh air. Some additional benefits of gardening include improving your outlook on life, reducing your risk of osteoporosis, lowering your risk of diabetes and improving your sleep! I read recently that the health benefits of gardening are so strong that a whole field of medicine was developed called horticultural therapy to help folks with psychiatric problems deal with their conditions. Studies have even shown that people with dementia and anxiety have found that gardening helps calm them which in turn leads to better sleep patterns.

In another study of 3,310 older people researchers from the University of Arkansas found that women involved in yard work and other types of gardening exercises had lower rates of osteoporosis than joggers, swimmers, and women who did aerobics. I found that to be such an interesting fact and it confirms what I already knew----gardening is not only fun, relaxing and therapeutic but it also helps you stay in shape and burn calories! Now....if only it would rain...

Have a wonderful week everyone...and remember to get outdoors and bring beauty into your life by gardening! Healthy Living Over 50 is easy and enjoyable!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Free Weights vs. Strength-Training Equipment: What's Your Preference?

Hi everyone! I was over at the local gym recently and was trying to decide whether I wanted to use the in-house equipment or go to "where the guys are" and use the free weights. My trainer mentioned to me that there are many pros and cons and that it boils down to a matter of preference and a matter of what your body is able to do. The choice really depends on your personal level of experience and also depends on what your individual goals are. The American Council on Exercise breaks it down like this:

free weight advantages:
  • they incorporate the stabilizing muscles that enable you to perform the movements you choose to make and may be more effective in producing overall muscle strength
  • the exercises tend to more closely match the movement patterns you are likely to need for specific sports
  • free weights are more versatile; you can do a wider variety of exercises with a simple set of dumbbells
  • they are inexpensive and portable and take up little space
free weight disadvantages:
  • you must learn to balance the weight while exerting force which can be difficult and dangerous to do especially if you are lifting them over your head
  • the isolation of specific muscles can be difficult to achieve and requires a precise technique
  • training alone can lead to injury if you are not careful
gym machine advantages:
  • they are generally safer and easier to use especially for beginners
  • some machines are more efficient than free weights in isolating a specific muscle group
  • machines ensure correct movements for a lift which helps prevent cheating when you get tired
  • these workouts may take less time because you can move from machine to machine easily
gym machine disadvantages:
  • most machines involve moving a weight along a predetermined path, making it difficult to strengthen the core muscles
  • machines are more limited, most only allow one exercise
  • most machines target an average sized person, so if you are taller or shorter than average you may find problems adjusting the machine
In general, if you are fairly new to a strength training program or are just getting back into a routine, you should probably stick with resistance-training machines for the first 10 weeks or so. This will give your body time to adjust without putting too much stress on your joints. If you are a seasoned gym rat then you might want to try a combination of both to get the maximum benefit of your workout.  If you have a membership to a gym take advantage of asking a fitness professional to show you how to use each piece of equipment regardless of which method you choose. Until then, have a healthy and happy day everyone and remember, Healthy Living Over 50 is very achievable!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Can You Hear Me? Common Ear Conditions

Hello everyone! Last summer I experienced something that was very scary to me. I started suffering dizzy spells when I would wake in the morning. So much so that I would have to sit by the side of the bed before getting up and wait till the room stopped spinning. It was very alarming! Shortly thereafter, I started noticing this constant hum in my head. It got so annoying that I finally went to see a specialist at Houston Medical Center. Eventually, the dizzy spells stopped but unfortunately the low grade hum never has. When I went to see the doctor he performed all sorts of tests and could find nothing wrong with me. He explained that the dizzy spells could have started as a result of low blood pressure or as a direct result of high stress or anxiety. There were no clear answers. We were in the process of selling our home at the time and I was under immense pressure to move all of our belongings out in a short timeframe. He diagnosed the noise in my head as tinnitus.

Tinnitus is a disorder that causes people to hear a ringing, roaring, buzzing or hissing inside the ears. The sound can vary in intensity and people with the disorder do not necessarily suffer from hearing loss. Unfortunately there is no cure for this condition. In researching this topic I found that hearing problems occur most often in people who are over 50. The most common type of age-related hearing loss is know as presbycusis. People with this condition have a very difficult time hearing what others are saying to them, especially high pitched voices of women and children. Presbycusis does tend to affect men more often than women and since it happens gradually many people may not be aware that they are even experiencing it until it becomes very obvious.

No medications or surgery can reverse a permanent hearing loss. The only solution for presbycusis is a hearing aid which can be very small and therefore not noticable. The only solution for tinnitus the doctor offered me was to purchase a white noise machine which would mask the hum in my ears with a more pleasant noise. To prevent any hearing issues you must be careful to avoid loud sounds. If you must be exposed to harmful levels of noise make sure to protect yourself with earplugs and never listen to loud music with earphones. I live with my tinnitus every day. Somedays it's worse than others, but a day never goes by without me wishing I didn't have it. Take care or your hearing because you can't reverse the damage you may cause if you don't! Hope you found this article informative, take care and remember to stay healthy everyone!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Your Skin Needs Love Too!

Hi everyone! This last weekend I must have spent over 10 hours outside doing some heavy gardening. I have to admit, that I carelessly went out there to pull weeds and plant flowers without slathering my skin with sunscreen. I periodically wore a big hat, but was not as diligent about keeping it on as I should have been. By the time I made it back into my house to rest and shower it became apparent I had made a major mistake . When I looked into the mirror before my bath all I saw was a splotchy, beet-red face staring back at me! I had such regrets, because I am fully aware of the damage I probably caused. My face already has a smattering of freckles because of fair complexion. At my age, I am starting to see the beginning of sunspots here and there, which does not make me happy, so I should have know better than to be so careless.  Our skin changes as we age. It becomes drier, thinner and more wrinkled. Many common skin conditions include age spots, shingles, purpuras, seborrheic keratoses, and skin cancer. Purpuras are common, spontaneous reddish-brown or purplish bruises, usually appearing on the arms and legs and are caused by bleeding under the skin. As our skin thins it becomes more prone to injury. Seborrheic Keratoses are harmless skin growths that are common among older folks. They are raised, light brown spots that thicken over time. Shingles is a painful, blistery skin rash that usually strikes one side of the face or body. You suffer a burning or itching sensation when shingles strike. It is a very common illness in people over 50 and can be very debilitating. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in America and fortunately is very curable if caught early. There are 3 types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, which is the most common. There is also squamous cell which are slow growing but can spread and be fatal if not treated early. Then there is melanoma, which is the most dangerous of all skin cancers. This type of skin cancer can spread beyond the skin to other organs. Fortunately, most cases of melanoma can be cured if treatment starts early enough. The main cause of skin cancer is excessive exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays.  This is exactly why I should have been more careful this last weekend and why you should always take caution when working in your garden, especially if you are fair skinned.  I will be much more careful going forward. With this beautiful weather we have been having here in Texas lately I plan much more "outside" time! Take care everyone, and remember to make your health a priority!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Good News For All You Popcorn Lovers!

Hi everyone! Recently I was talking to my best girlfriend, Mollie and I was explaining to her that I have gotten hooked on popcorn! I told her I used to be a potato chip kind of girl, but now I'm in love with popcorn. I was referring to the microwave kind that is real low in calories per bag, the mini portions. She was explaining to me that I needed to be careful because of the carb count and that I could easily pack on the pounds if I didn't watch it. She went on to say that if I am going to be eating popcorn every day, that I should at least invest in an air popper. That's all it took for me to make a beeline to my local Walmart to purchase exactly that! It has been the best little investment in my snack routine and today's news that came out all over the internet confirms that I made one of the best choices when it comes to snacking! According to a new study, popcorn may have fruits and vegetables beat when it comes to antioxidants. I would have never imagined this. The study suggests that one serving of popcorn has more antioxidants than a day's worth of fruits or vegetables in the average American diet. The study's author is a chemist by the name of Joe Vinson. He stated that popcorn may be the perfect snack food! According to Vinson this is because it is the only snack food that is 100 percent whole grain and whole grains have much more fiber than most vegetables and fruits. When something is labeled "whole grain" in America it only has to be 51% whole grain, therefore the more whole grains a food has the higher the health benefits. Antioxidants play a key role in protecting against cancer, heart disease and other diseases. In addition, they also help to combat free radicals produced by the body in response to things such as exposure to cigarette smoke and radiation.
As with any food you consume though, the key is to be careful not to cover it with unhealthy toppings such as salt, butter and oil. Get creative! Believe it or not, I love mine with Louisiana hot sauce, or tabasco sauce with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. Delicious! You can also try cinnamon, curry powder or dill for an interesting taste combination. As with everything, eat it in moderation and do not use it to replace your broccoli and apples just yet, because those give you nutrients you can't get anywhere else. Instead, eat popcorn as a way of trading up on your snacking and doing away with the unhealthy ones you usually reach for!
Have a healthy week everyone!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Why Aren't Digital Scales Ever Accurate?

Hello everyone! I have been extremely busy lately and have gotten just a bit lax about hitting the gym daily. I recently started a new business in my town and have been doing lots of running around kicking it off. This shift of my attention means I take away focus on my exercise routine, so today I made a commitment to myself to get back on track. I started out by getting on the scale to do my weigh-in. At first I almost had a heart attack when the scale said 150! I thought, 'oh no! all my hard work to get the pounds off and they're creeping back on!'. (Remember, I started this journey to get fit in January and weighed in at about 157) I immediately jumped off and got back on. This time it said 146! My gosh, I lost 4 lbs in 5 seconds, amazing! I went for a third try and this time it said 147. I finally gave up, put my running shoes on and drove straight to the gym for a heavy calorie-burning workout. When I was done, I got on the scale they have there, you know, the old-fashion kind. It told me that I am 148.5. I'm still not satisfied, because at one point I had gotten down to 144. All this tells me is that I need to re-focus, get back on my daily work-out routine and continue to eat healthy, nourishing foods.... and that I need to toss out my old, digital scale!
Have a happy, healthy day and!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Health Benefits of Coffee

Good morning everyone! Its about 9:00 am here in Texas and all I can say is I am so grateful for that hot pot of steaming coffee brewing in the kitchen! I didn't always like coffee, but about 35 years ago when I was a newbie employee at the Telecom Giant I used to work for I got used to pouring myself a cup or 2 every day just to get an energy jolt. Ever since then, it has become a habit I just can't live without. I can't even imagine not starting my day every morning with a couple of cups. Recently there have been studies that indicate that having a cup or two every day is actually beneficial to your health. This is good news for folks like me, because it would have been terribly difficult to give up something so tasty.  New studies show there are quite a few benefits to drinking coffee.  Some of these include giving you the ability to think clearly, lowering depression risk in women, lowing prostate cancer risk in men, protecting against Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes and liver cancer. Also, new research presented at the American Association for Cancer Research conference shows that coffee could help to ward off basal cell carcinoma, the most common cancer in the world! Another benefit is that coffee is full of antioxidants which we all need. Keep in mind though that you should still go by the old maxim, "everything in moderation" because heavy caffeine use (4-7 cups per day) can cause problems such as anxiety, sleeplessness and irritability. Also, remember that anything you add to coffee, such as cream and sugar can add unnecessary calories to your diet. Ok, I've got to go, looks like my pot is ready!      Have a healthy day everyone!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Whole Foods Market vs. H-E-B Central Market

Hi everyone! In case I've never mentioned this before I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. I lived there my entire life until 6 months ago when I moved to a small country town between the 3 big cities of San Antonio, Austin and Houston. One of the things I miss most about living in the big city though is having options! When you live in a big city there are a multitude of options in everything imaginable! There is every kind of pharmacy, doctor, restaurant, and shopping center available on every corner. Anyway, you get the picture, small towns leave a lot to be desired when it comes to options! Living here, the one big option I miss most is in grocery stores! It is hard to find specific products when you only have one or two small ones in town. Luckily, I visit Houston often enough since my 3 sons still live there which is when I get to indulge in a great grocery shopping experience! Here in Texas, we have two of my favorite grocery stores available, Whole Foods Market and H-E-B Central Market. Both of these stores are absolutely incredible when it comes to variety and fresh and healthy choices.  I have added the link to each one of the stores so you can visit and see for yourself the wide variety of choices they offer. Whole Foods Market was founded in Austin, Texas by four businesspeople who decided the time was right for the natural foods industry. The original market opened in 1980 with just 19 people staffing it at the beginning and it was an immediate success. After being in the grocery business for many years and having many successful H-E-B stores throughout Texas, the owner, Charles Butt developed the first H-E-B Central Market in 1994. Coincidentally, his store also started in Austin. His goal was to build a market that would turn the shopping experience into something enjoyable and unparalleled by carrying products never before offered in Texas. If you are on a special diet, such as gluten free, you will have no problem finding an abundance of products. If you want a special wine your head will spin with the selection they both offer! Both websites are full of wonderful cooking ideas, including mouth watering recipes accompanied by beautiful photos of each dish. They both offer newsletters you can sign up for and they both offer cooking classes you can register for. They each have a wonderful and informative blog available to read that keeps you posted on the latest cooking trends. Here are the links to each of their blogs so you can decide for yourself which you like best: Whole Story-the official Whole Foods Market blog and More Please! The Central Market Blog. They are both filled with great posts I thought you would be interested in reading. I personally tend to like the Whole Foods website more because I find it more attractive and informative. This does not necessarily mean the store is better, since they both have great things going for them. I have recently shopped in the newest Whole Foods in Houston on Waugh Dr. and have to admit I fell in love. The ambiance was wonderful, the salad and wine bar was fresh, and the selections were great. You will be paying more for your products though as I have discovered it's a bit pricier than your normal grocery store such as Kroger. For this reason, I cannot indulge shopping there often. I haven't made it to the new Central Market on Alabama St., but have heard great things and I do plan to visit soon to give it a test run! In the meantime, I hope this quick breakdown helps you visit two great websites that are chock full of tasty recipe ideas and fabulous, healthy products!

Have a happy week everyone, and remember Healthy Living Over 50 is so important and it's easy!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Social Life = A Healthy Life!

Hello everyone! Hope you have had a great weekend so far and are gearing up to have a wonderful, healthy week coming up! Whether you are using this Sunday to catch up on chores you had pending or doing all you have to do to get ready for the work week it is important for you to do all possible to enjoy life. One way to do this is to take time out to be with your family and friends. I had an especially fun-filled weekend being with the people I love most, my husband and kids! Friday evening we drove into the city to celebrate our son Steve's birthday (so hard to believe the kid is 29 years old!) at a trendy restaurant in Houston. We were joined by his darling new wife and our other son Matt's sweet girlfriend. The only reason I mention this to you is because I think as we age many of us tend to want to just stay home to avoid seeing other people.  This is not good and could be caused by a number of reasons. Depression, agoraphobia, loneliness, no friends, or just something as simple as not wanting to make the effort to dress up. Regardless of how much effort it might take though, we have to remember the importance of social interaction to our physical and mental health. How many times have you hesitated to attend a family function because you were not in the mood just to find after it's over that you had a blast? Probably more times than you care to admit. Also, keep in mind that it is not impossible to stay on your diet just because you are eating out. I admit, it is harder to stay on track, but with focus and determination you can make healthy food and beverage choices while out socializing. Admittedly, when I was done with dinner, which consisted of a delicious spinach salad with a glass of white wine, I was concerned I would not have the strength to resist all the tempting deserts that were offered to us. Luckily though I had no desire to indulge and was able to stop at just one bite of Steve's birthday cake. The night was a success, we had great family time, laughing and reminiscing and best of all we left with so much joy in our hearts. So remember! Go out, have fun, laugh, eat, drink and be merry! All in moderation of course. Just make it a point to get together with friends and family because they are the ones that love you most and the ones that will bring you the most joy!
It's so important for you to have a social life in order to have a healthy life! Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stay Safe - Prevent Falls!

Hello everyone! Recently when I was biking with my best friend in Austin I kept having flashbacks to a time when I was much younger and suffered a severe fall off my bicycle.  The incident happened over 30 years ago, but to this day I am still traumatized by the memory of the severity of the injuries I suffered. As we all get older we become more prone to accidental falls. This is especially disconcerting because it leads to decreased mobility, restrictions in our lifestyle and dependence on others for our everyday needs. We can do many things to protect ourselves from becoming victims of an accident.  According to research, the risk of a hip fracture doubles every five to six years after the age of 50. Hip fractures are one of the most disabling fall-related injuries. My own sweet mother never recovered from a hip fracture and passed away after surgery to repair her injury. This makes this topic very personal for me and makes me hyper-aware of being safe in my day to day activities. Older people are more prone to falls for a number of reasons. Many times  our reaction time is slower and our sense of balance declines. Age related vision problems such as cataracts and glaucoma could also lead to falls. This is exactly what caused my own mother's injury. Illnesses such as high blood pressure, stroke or arthritis can lead to balance problems. Inactivity is another real problem which could be directly tied to injuries from falling. If you don't stay active, you lose some of your muscle conditioning and your stamina is greatly affected. Prevention is obviously the key to staying safe, so I would like to share with you some pointers to follow to ensure you do your best to prevent falls.  Here are some tips for staying on your feet:
  • Exercise! It can build muscle tone, improve your balance and strengthen your bones.
  • Have your vision and hearing checked routinely.
  • Talk to you physician about side effects of drugs you may be taking. Be aware of those that may cause drowsiness and loss of coordination.
  • Make your home safer. Clear all your walking paths to avoid clutter which may be a tripping hazard.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. This may affect your balance and slow your reaction time.
  • When out walking, be cautious of the road in front of you. Make sure the path is even and clear of debris such as branches and rocks.
  • Be especially cautious when walking outdoors in wet or icy conditions. Use salt or sand on sidewalks, steps and driveways.
  • Always wear shoes that give you good support and have non-slip soles.
  • Keep things close at hand, avoid climbing a step stool to reach items.
Have fun, stay active, get lots of exercise! The goal is to enjoy life while avoiding injuries!
Have a wonderful Friday and a beautiful, healthy weekend!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mental Fitness is as Important as Physical Fitness!

Hi everyone! The funniest thing happened to me the other day when I was visiting my family in Houston. We were all sitting in a restaurant having lunch when out of nowhere a woman came up to our table and greeted me warmly. "Hi Nancy! How are you girl?" I stared at her and drew a blank. I was completely mortified because she obviously knew me very well. My unease was apparent so she quickly told me who she was. Turns out she was a teller at my local bank back home in my little town who just happened to be visiting friends in Houston.  Even though this happened several days ago, I still feel so badly for this woman because I felt I was being rude for not recalling her name when she approached.  I also still feel the tinge of humiliation for being unable to recall her name. The truth is that as we get older our mental acuity is not as sharp as when we were young. Mental fitness is like physical fitness. Just as we should walk, bike, swim, etc. for our physical self we should practice exercising our minds as well. Growing older does not automatically mean you will lose your ability to think clearly, remember facts or be able to reason, but most people find that their memory slows down a bit as they age. Very often, however, the memory loss is related to stress, depression, medications, poor nutrition, changes in life such as retirement or even at times, grief. Research indicates that eating foods rich in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables may help prevent the natural decline in brain function that comes with age. Research also indicates that exercise is one of the keys to keeping your mind sharp as you age. It helps to preserve the blood supply to the brain.  Regular exercise can help us all maintain quick reaction times and improve our brain power. The old adage is absolutely true, if your don't use it you lose it! Some suggestions for keeping your memory sharp are:
  • Build routines into your day. Having a routine helps you remember more!
  • Make lists. This helps your mind stay free of clutter. I keep a notepad by my bed to clear my mind before going to sleep.
  • Do crossword puzzles or play on-line games with friends. I play Words with Friends daily on my computer or iPad. I have a first generation iPad, but am really looking forward to the new one coming soon. Recently, Apple unveiled its third generation iPad, which has been simply named "new iPad." It boasts remarkable features like Retina display and packs 4G LTE technology, which will enable faster streaming and downloads and should make playing games and working on-line crosswords much easier for all of us.
  • Try making associations, especially visual connections, between what you are trying to learn and what you know.  Experts say the more ridiculous the associations, the better the chances of recalling things.
I hope what happened to me never happens again since it was so embarrassing! I plan to follow my own advice to keep my mind sharp in the future and hope you do too! Have a happy and healthy week everyone!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Exercise and Travel is a Great Combination!

Good morning everyone! Life has been a whirlwind for me lately. Recently I decided to meet a girlfriend in Austin for a "boot camp" trip and to pick up my daughter for a spring break visit home. My friend and I decided we were going to take our bicycles and focus heavily on eating right and exercising a lot. If you have not been to Austin, Texas you are missing a great treat. The city is filled with bike trails, lakes, great eateries and nightspots everywhere you turn. This week is the world famous SXSW (South by Southwest) technology and music week but we arrived on Wednesday evening and beat the crowds! We immediately unloaded our bicycles at the local park and rode about 3 miles the first night, not enough to get much exercise before the dark set in. We shared a delicious dinner that evening since neither one of us was really all that hungry. I feel that most meals are worth sharing since at most restaurants they are so large. This not only saves calories, but helps if you are on a limited budget. The next morning we drove over to the beautiful bed and breakfast down the street called The Mansion on Judge's Hill and again shared a delicious protein filled breakfast including a veggie omelet, coffee, a cup of fruit and 2 slices of bacon while skipping the toast altogether. This was the perfect meal and gave us enough fuel to hit the bike trails again! We made it over to Lady Bird Lake which is in the heart of downtown Austin and has a fabulous hike and bike trail system. We rode our bikes for at least 2 hours and really got a workout! Even though my legs felt heavy I felt exhilarated by the riding. The trail is very shady and winds along the banks of the lake formed by the Colorado River. It is hilly in some spots making it a challenging ride for the novice biker. If you go make sure you dress lightly and take plenty of water. I highly recommend this trail as I truly enjoyed the experience. We packed our gear and headed over to Bess Bistro on 6th street. This is a sweet and cozy little basement restaurant that happens to be owned by actress Sandra Bullock. Even though you probably won't see her there you will be treated to a great meal. We had a cobb salad with lots of protein packed grilled chicken and blue cheese. Of course you should always ask for the dressing on the side to avoid loading any salad with needless calories. After our meal our boot camp was winding down, but it was not completely over yet. We headed over to the State Capitol and took the official tour! We walked all over the building with the tour guide giving us a history lesson for at least an hour. I have to say by this point my legs were feeling a bit of a burn! When we walked into the historic capitol building it was warm and overcast, but when we walked out an hour later it was storming and cold! That's the crazy weather in Texas for you! The change in temperature was fine, because our trip was coming to an end the next morning anyway. That evening, we celebrated the start of Spring Break with my daughter and again ate a delicious meal of hot minestrone soup at a local eater called Mandola's. All in all, it was a short 2 day trip packed with lots of activities, exercise and healthy eating. Who says you have to throw your diet out the door when you travel? Stay healthy everyone and have a great week!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Living With Arthritis When You Want to Stay Active!

Hello everyone! I was at the gym a few days ago doing my core exercises which involved lots of leg lunges and much bending at the middle and I have to say that today I am super sore! It's not easy being 55 years old and still wanting to be active, but it is mandatory that at this age we do exactly that. When I look around the room I see mostly 25-35 year old women moving with such agility and I stand there in awe of them. I admire the fact that they recognize the necessity of exercise at an early age in order to avoid the aging pitfalls that many of us suffer later on in life. One of the common problems many of us over 50 years old deal with is arthritis. Arthritis is a general term for a group of disorders that might cause you pain, stiffness or swelling of the joints. Any of your joints can be affected, including the knees, hips and fingers. A dear friend has arthritis of the neck and has great difficulty dealing with it since his job involves working at a computer all day. Arthritis is usually a chronic condition and is common among older folks especially over the age of 65. The 3 most common kinds are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

Osteoarthritis - used to be known as degenerative joint disease.It is the most common form in older people. It usually occurs when the protective layer of cartilage between bones wears away and the exposed bones rub against each other. This causes spurs to develop and ultimately damages the nerves and muscles. Osteoarthritis usually affects the hands, knees and hips. It also tends to run in families. Being overweight can also increase your risk because of the stress put on the knees.
Rheumatoid arthritis - usually occurs when the membrane that surrounds a joint becomes inflamed and gets thick which in turn causes much pain and stiffness, especially when you get up in the morning.  It usually affects the joints in the hands, but can also affect the arms, legs and feet. This type of arthritis can also damage the body in other areas such as the eyes, lungs and heart. It is believed to be an autoimmune disease, which means the body mistakenly attacks its own tissue.
Gout  - this condition is caused when blood levels of uric acid, which is one of the body's waste products, gets too high. The excess uric acid forms crystals in the spaces around the joints. The body's immune system attacks these crystals, causing the joint to become inflames and painful. Gout might attack your toes, ankles, elbows, wrists and hands. A gout attack can come on very suddenly and is very painful. This condition usually attacks men more than women and is triggered by many factors. Drinking too much alcohol and eating a diet rich in foods that raise uric acid levels such as sardines, organ meats, gravies or sweetbreads may lead to an attack.

Living with arthritis is difficult but can be handled. Of course you should consult with your doctor on your personal game plan. From what I can read though, exercising daily is very beneficial. Moving your joints is supposed to help reduce the pain and strengthen the muscles and bones. It's important for you to take rest breaks throughout the day if your joints are inflamed and to apply heat or cold to sore joints. Heat relaxes your muscles and cold reduces inflammation and swelling. Again, I am not a doctor, so you should always consult your personal physician for your best treatment plan.  The bottom line is that you should understand there are treatment courses that can help you stay active and assist you with your plan to continue
Healthy Living Over 50!  Have a wonderful day everyone!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rules To Follow If You Want To Lose Weight

In the small town where I live we have a favorite restaurant that serves a daily lunch buffet. Even though all the items are delcious not all of them are heart healthy. In our culture it seems that the mindset is that you should get all you can eat since you're going to pay the same price regardless. Because of this, I notice most folks really pile it on and even go back for seconds. I can't say I have never been guilty of this sort of behavior myself. Not everything in a buffet line should end up on your plate and obviously, there is a true correlation with the amount of food on your plate and the size of your wasteline. With that being said, there are a few rules I have heard that we should follow if we want to lose weight:
  • Be carb conscious - Carbs are usually the most overeaten of all food groups. So instead of reaching for the mashed potatoes or pasta, reach for the brown rice or quinoa instead. Whole grain pasta is always a good choice as well.
  • Fill your plate with veggies -Remember to make solid veggie choices. Avoid the starchy ones. This will help you avoid a "still-hungry" feeling when you leave the table!
  • Eat fruit, but not with a meal - since it's an insulin booster reserve fruit for an in-between meal snack not as part of the main course. The only exception to the rule are berries, which you can eat a handful of with a meal as a "dessert" now and then.
  • Learn what good portion sizes are - We have all been raised to eat huge portions, therefore you will need to pay close attention when you sit down to eat to be more aware and conscious of your portions until you can automatically know what a healthy serving size looks like.
  • Focus on getting your protein - Make sure you get about four to six ounces of protein (that's about the size of 2 decks of cards), more than that and you risk eating too much fat. So forget that huge t-bone or porterhouse!
  • Eat less! Remember the attitude of "less is more"  - Keep it small and light, such as a little salad with four ounces of protein, a small portion of rice or sweet potato, some yummy veggies. Enjoy a couple of squares of chocolate for dessert instead of the whole chocolate bar. If you eat out you might consider having your meal halved at the start and immediately have your waiter box up the other half.
Have a happy day everyone! And remember, Healthy Living Over 50 is not that difficult!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Don't Skip Breakfast to Cut Calories!

Hi everyone! Ever since I started being much more vigilant about my nutrition I have started noticing calories and how fast they add up! Everything I read gives pointers on how to cut back on needless calorie intake. One thing I have learned though, is that you should never cut out eating breakfast just to cut calories. In fact doing this could be counter-productive. Research consistently shows that people who are the most successful at losing weight are the ones who start their day with a well balanced, nutritious breakfast. In addition, people who eat breakfast routinely have better vitamin and mineral stats and those same people tend to eat fewer calories from fat. It seems that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.  Many studies, in both kids and adults alike, have shown that breakfast eaters seem to weigh less than breakfast skippers.  The theory is that eating a healthy balanced breakfast can reduce your hunger thoughout the day which in turn reduces your chances of making bad meal choices. Typically, hunger gets the best of breakfast skippers, and they end up eating more thoughout the day. The key is that your breakfast must be nutritious, not just delicious! In other words, your meal must contain a balance of protein and/or whole grains and not be loaded with fat and calories, like a doughnut for example. Eating breakfast also gives you energy to do more physical activity and generally be more productive all around which is so vital to weight control. Eggs are a great breakfast choice because they are loaded with protein. They tend to be more satisfying than cereal and white bread because of this. In the past, eggs have had a bad reputation due to their cholesterol content. All that has changed now, due to chickens being given healthier feeds which make cholesterol counts lower. But if cholesterol is still a concern, feel free to use just egg whites which are free of cholesterol, yet still high in protein. Eggs are also very high in essential nutrients such as vitamin B-12, selenium, phosphorus and riboflavin.  If you aren't too excited about eggs, try low fat greek yogurt, whole-grain breads or cereals and fresh fruit. There are many choices to select from. The main goal is to select wisely. Ultimately, calories are what pack the pounds on, so you want to get the most nutritious bang for your buck. Happy eating!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Yummy Raspberry Smoothie!

Good morning everyone! Wanted to share a great, delicious smoothie recipe I created yesterday. I found it to be satisfying and really refreshing! When I got back from the gym it was the perfect thing to rehydrate me. It is full of protein and very low calorie! Try it, I think you will like it as much as I did!
  • 1 cup fresh green tea
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 cup frozen raspberries
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 tsp almond slivers
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 tsp diced fresh ginger
  • 1 cup fresh spinach
  • 1 scoop of ice cubes
Blend well until all ingredients and ice are completly crushed.  Makes several servings! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Diet Myths Debunked!

Hi everyone! You know what I find interesting? The fact that people survived and thrived back in the old days before our society became obsessed with losing weight and getting fit! We get bombarded daily with everything under the sun that will help us get healthy----information on how to eat, when to sleep, how to breathe just to name a few! The fact is that people did survive just fine without all the weird, suspicious so-called "tips" we all have heard and possibly fallen prey to at one time or another. So don't be tricked. According to the American Council on Exercise here are some common diet myths that some folks follow hoping to shed a few pounds:

Common Myths
  • Eating late at night will cause you to gain weight
  • You should eat each food group separately for optimal digestion
  • Low-carb, high-protein/no-fat diets are optimal for weight reduction
  • Carbs are bad for your health and cause weight gain, and therefore should be avoided
  • Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight
  • The number of meals eaten each day---3 square meals, or 5-6 small meals---has a huge impact on weight management.
  • Grapefruit will speed up your metabolism
  • Rapid weight loss can be maintained
  • You have to stop eating your favorite foods to lose weight
The Truth

Losing weight and achieving your health goals require your commitment and effort. Ultimately, lifestyle behavior changes are normally required to maintain weight loss and anything above 1-2 pounds per week is difficult to keep up. So for healthy weight loss you need to:

1. Get moving! Increase your activity level with an exercise program that makes you comfortable but also challenges you.  Park further from the entrance when you go places, walk up stairs instead of taking an elevator. Even simple things make a big difference. For example, sometimes I don't have more than 30 minutes available in my day to work out at the gym. The important thing is to use whatever time you do have effectively. Work up a sweat, even if it's just for a short increment of your time.

2. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who will support your weight loss goals. It is extremely difficult to focus on health and nutrition when the people around you are trying to sabotage your efforts. Encouragement is key, especially from close friends and family. If you know someone with similar weight loss goals, make him or her your diet or workout buddy. This makes each of you accountable to the other. I do this with my sister and my best friend and honestly, if I didn't have them cheering me on I don't think I would be as successful as I have been.
Remember! We all should practice Healthy Living Over 50!