Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Zumba! What a Great Cardio Workout!

Today, I think I got the best cardio workout at the gym ever! I am exhausted, but I feel exhilarated! If you have never taken a zumba class you really are missing out on a great workout. What is zumba you ask? Zumba is a latin dance fitness program that blends high energy exercise and challenging dance routines, making for a lively, invigorating combination. I have to admit, I am very new to this program. I have only been twice, but I have decided I will be participating much more often because the benefits are so great. The wonderful thing about zumba is that you do not have to be a dancer which is great, because I am probably the most uncoordinated person out there. As you start with the program, you can't help but start moving to the music and doing your best to keep up with the instructor. The class features exotic rhythms set to high-enery Latin music. The moves work your entire body. Your abs and legs get worked very hard. The energy in the room is contagious and everyone in the class is so supportive of each other. I have to admit I was very guarded at first, not knowing if I would be able to keep up after my foot surgery. But as the class progressed I realized it doesn't matter at all if you keep up or not. No one is keeping track or noticing, as the main thing is for you to just keep moving. Believe me, you will love zumba. I highly encourage you to take a leap of faith and look into your gym's schedule and just jump in and join the group! Go try zumba! You will feel the burn, get energized and kill quite a few calories!

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