Monday, April 30, 2012

The Benefits of Walking

Happy Monday everyone!
When I started this blog I decided I was going to get more focused than ever on exercise and healthy living. I decided that a step towards accomplishing this was that I would start walking routinely either on the treadmill at the gym or outdoors before the sun gets too hot. Regardless, walking is fun, easy and requires no money to do which is why it is a great way to get exercise and get fit. First of all walking is easy to do as long as you do not have health obstacles such as arthritis. There is no great trick to doing it. It does not require that you learn any special skills or advanced conditioning. You do not need any special equipment or clothing. All you really need is a pair of good walking shoes and comfortable clothes.

Walking is the ultimate healthy exercise because it:
  • burns almost as many calories as jogging
  • eases back pains
  • slims your waist
  • lowers blood pressure
  • reduces levels of bad cholesterol
  • reduces heart attack risks and enhances stamina and energy
  • lessens anxiety and tension
  • improves muscle tone
  • it's easy on your heart and joints than running
  • reduces appetite
  • increases aerobic lung capacity
  • can be done in short bouts
  • slows down osteoporosis and bone loss
  • can be done while you are traveling away from home
  • you are less likely to be injured walking instead of running 
It is important for you to be evaluated by a doctor before you begin any exercise program and that you get a complete physical. Also, please remember to stay hydrated. It is important for you to drink plenty of water while you walk and even before and after. Eating well is also just as important. You must eat nourishing food so avoid junk food which is high in fat and cholesterol.  Remember to walk on a smooth surface so that you avoid injuries. I love walking all over my small community but I try to stick to the sidewalks to avoid traffic. You might do well by setting a goal for yourself and to walk at the same time every day, but it is not necessary if your schedule does not allow it. I notice that if I have a routine I tend to stick with it more. Do your best to find time for walking, you will be so glad you did!
Have a happy, healthy week everyone!

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