Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday mornings are the hardest!

I have to admit Mondays are super hard for me. It's extremely difficult to get out of bed and get motivated to get fit! I admit I have to do a lot of talking to myself. My session at the gym with Stephanie today was especially difficult. I have a long way to go to get in shape, especially to build up strength in my core. Today was one solid hour of cardio, including eliptical, lunges, free weights and spinning. It helps to have someone who has a sunny disposition while still being very demanding and pushing you along. I find the eliptical especially hard and it seems that only after 5 minutes I am struggling to catch my breath. That, obviously, is a true indicator of how far I have to go to get where I need to be. All around me, there are people (young and old) going super fast and lasting quite a long time without stopping. Stephanie assures me I will get to this point someday and encourages me to continue on a regular workout regimen in order to get the results! All I can say is that I will certainly do my best and only time will tell! I know I am committed to making a lifestyle change in order to live healthy over 50!

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